Whats the difference between a person's character and habit? Character is how someone will act instinctively in that situation while habit is an action which the person is used to. It is possible to change a person's habit but it is more difficult to change a person's character.
A person's character may lead to a particular habit. A thoughtful person may have the habit of sending birthday presents to his friends, but if the person did not celebrate Fathers' Day(Habit), it doesn't mean the person is not thoughtful! People perceived so many actions to the character, but it is impossible for the person with the character to fulfill all.
A leopard never changes it spots. So if you are expecting your extravagant partner to live a frugal lifestyle, you are wasting your time and should rather accept it. However, if you like your extravagant partner to start to date at cheap places, it is possible by influencing and convincing him/her for a period of time (Of course provided that the other party is willing to). He/She is still extravagant but at least he/she finds it acceptable to go cheap places.
Sorry if this entry confuses you but i think the most impt thing is still understanding for each other and not forcing the other half to change for you immediately as it wont make the other half feel happy.
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