Sunday, September 18, 2011

Learnt how to make mooncake today! really very easy eh, dunno why outside have to sell $8 for one mooncake...

Just returned from mayday 3D concert, and i dun have the usually music ringing in my ears after concert feeling. it just wasn't the correct atmosphere, and it feels like watching youtube actually. $20 not very worth it. rather save for their next concert. haha

Busy busy week ahead! its difficult not to watch EPL on a weekend! :x

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Recently a lot of free activities! Istana, baybeats, nice if all these were to continue throughout the year. Then the pockets of all bfs in singapore would be fat! Enough spare for investment! haha. Still havent got my trading account leh, but youth have been eating up some of my money so im still a bit short to invest...oh wells.

Meeting up youth freshies later today. There's so many free thursday for them up till end oct. Kind of shiong to conduct something for them every thurs, but i think its neccessary rather than additional. A group with poor bonding would not show their support for anything in the future.