Monday, August 30, 2010
School Starts!!
This sem is so packed with knowledge! First day of sch already feeling tired. 4 hours of lecture is a torture...but the timetable shows that its going to be common this sem! Why is MAE so intensive???
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Hall12 Housekeeping outing
Hall12 housekeeping force first outing today!! kbox plus wii gaming! too bad team 9 had to work today...if not we would have more people. tried to matchmake during ktv but they were both too shy, and peggy wasn't around to make it 2 couples so that it wont be so awkward. It was fun nevertheless with garen singing to classics like the grasshoppers.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Went to YOV with RSPID today. The cultural village is something like a cultural carnival. Clog painting first then tour ard the area. Anthony's friend was from Dominic Republic, who doesn't speak English but Spanish, so there's some problem interacting...but the clog did the talking and i tried to take pictures to occupy them while waiting for the clog to dry. Nice experience but half an hour was kinda short.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ice skate+YOG Badminton
Too lazy to blog have to blog about outing on 17august.haha. Initial plan was just to watch the YOG badminton quarter finals, but since KLP was just beside indoor stadium, we went ice skating! Never had the feeling of walking on a frictionless surface for 2 years...didn't felt like i knew ice-skating when i first stepped onto the rink. Heehee, deardear fell down thrice but i still fell once...haha, but the idea is to learn ice skating and it seems like we learnt it during the short 2 hours:)
Was working today and saw the GOLD MEDAL in the New Zealander's room. Looks like a normal medal but it means so much to a country(Singapore still have none...)Oh, there's a tradition in new zealand's team. Whenever someone wins a medal, the whole team would congratulate the winner by doing the HAKA dance. So if we hear shouting downstairs, it means someone has won a medal. So far we have only heard and see it once...
Deardear is off to taiwan for the week! Wonder what fun they r having there... So envious of them going on holidays...oh well, i should try to have fun too even though i'm not travelling. RSPID visit to YOV tml and team 9 ktv outing on wed! Last 2 days of work to go! most likely would be taking pictures on friday. missing deardear even though i'm occupied this week, it feels strange that my fone is so quiet. haha. Welcoming them back on Friday too, which is the last day of work! *Pops Champagne*
Friday, August 13, 2010
Slack Day
Stayed at home the whole day doing nothing!! Didnt know what to do at home already. Television is so boring without starhub and football manager is the only game on my pc...slept till 3.30pm before dragging myself out of bed.
missed deardear dearly today...dun know is it because my day is too free? or thurs 1hr meetup not long enough?? Browse through the photos we had...find that we should get a photographer on our next date...haha! Qf and Hq are suitable candidates! Quite a long time never had couple couple outing since we were attached, everyone got different work schedules.
Busy weekend coming, working early tml cos going to pop over to projID...had to wake up at 5.30am!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Back to work!!
Starting work at ntu yov tml! Even though its only 10 short days of work, i still can't help feeling worried about what to do tml. Oh well, i will just go along with the flow. Deardear went to hss camp , which means we not going to meet up a lot this week compared to last week.
Whats the difference between a person's character and habit? Character is how someone will act instinctively in that situation while habit is an action which the person is used to. It is possible to change a person's habit but it is more difficult to change a person's character.
A person's character may lead to a particular habit. A thoughtful person may have the habit of sending birthday presents to his friends, but if the person did not celebrate Fathers' Day(Habit), it doesn't mean the person is not thoughtful! People perceived so many actions to the character, but it is impossible for the person with the character to fulfill all.
A leopard never changes it spots. So if you are expecting your extravagant partner to live a frugal lifestyle, you are wasting your time and should rather accept it. However, if you like your extravagant partner to start to date at cheap places, it is possible by influencing and convincing him/her for a period of time (Of course provided that the other party is willing to). He/She is still extravagant but at least he/she finds it acceptable to go cheap places.
Sorry if this entry confuses you but i think the most impt thing is still understanding for each other and not forcing the other half to change for you immediately as it wont make the other half feel happy.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
No Money, Great company!
Went to mount faber today to walk walk with deardear. The venue was due to the lack of cash, just got my kbox cheque and will only received the money on tuesday...:( Nevertheless, the outing was still great! Henderson Wave was quite spectacular due to the height of the bridge and the bridge was shaped out of a maths formula! I guess its y=sin x. Then walked up the hill slowly and trying to find our way to the top. The view was great but the greatest view was halfway through where you could see the cable cars and sentosa more clearly! The walk down the hill was quite long also, took about half an hr but i dun mind the distance at all! It was such a nice escape from shopping and movies. haha, should have been broke more often. Dinner was treated by deardear! So nice of her to pay when im really really short. :) Im VERY touched! (^v^)
People vs things"What's the satisfaction in buying your first car when you do not have a first passenger for your first car???"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Your friends, my friends, our friends
Went for kbox on 3 August with deardear, zhenjie and bobby. Should be the last time we see bobby before he going missing for a year to complete his 'mission'. the session was quite crazy but its still not comparable to the sec sch days kbox. The older we are, the more serious we get and the more we cant get ourselves to go crazy. Hope that i didn't let deardear feel neglected...asked her to come so that she could at least know my friends, at least the impt ones. Still wondering what bobby's going to do...still act mysterious after all these yrs. Maybe he will be a millionaire when he comes back a yr later...anything lar, since he said that his health is not a major factor, but thats my major concern. Anything else crazy shouldn't be affecting us very much except that he would be gone for a yr.
Accompanied deardear to St games today, it was so hidden in some alley and the place was really small but kind of cozy. We were supposed to be there for only 1 hour but end up playing 1.5hours. Played rock band and some rabbit game...her friends was also kind of crazy. haha, foc main comm what, must be high enough! Went to marche for dinner before that. I wasn't myself at the start of the day, maybe too bothered by it. Shouldn't think too much, its not going to be affecting us anyway. Maybe different mindset...but from the conversation i still feel that deardear really didn't want that breakup at that time, its not mutual...but its all in the past!! Its time to move on and focus on the current relationship. History books are meant for people to learn from mistakes.
Hey Frank! Bye Frank!
Connection was unstable ytd :( so going to post 2 entries at a time. Sent Frank off on 2August with 8 of RSPIDians. Another Slang member going overseas for 6months...His family and a few girls appeared to sent him off too. His sis is damn cool, saying her mind whenever she wants, maybe due to her job as a lawyer.
Made his farewell card on that day itself, only took 2.5 hours to finish the card in the afternoon. Was super satisfied with my workpiece :))) Think it was simple and nice overall, nothing too fanciful. Oh, remembered something that frank's sis said,"I have not seen something handmade in a long time." realized that when we grew older, we would have more cash and less time. People would tend to purchase anything they could instead of spending some time to handmade the card. Hope that i would still rmb how to make a card by then.
Wonders how frank is doing now. He's quite fortunate to study overseas with quite a large group of friends. It will be fun with large company around instead of just a few friends. My turn to go overseas would be in a years time or none. Would have been homesick by 1 month! haha.
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